Named “A Must Attend Event For Entrepreneurs” ~ Huffington Post


Easier Life Mastery 

  November 6-8, 2020

  Sheraton Calgary Cavalier Hotel

The Event Will Fill Up Fast!

If You Are A Business Owner, or Entrepreneur, You Need To Attend!

Not Returning To Calgary In the Future!

Get Complete Clarity On Exactly What You Need To Do In Business To Create Automation & Scalability So You Can Live An Easier LIfe… In Only 3 Days

The Only Event You Need to Make 2020 Your
Best Year Yet and Produce INSANE Growth in
Your Business, Impact and Influence...

We know you didn’t accomplish all of your goals in 2018.
And again in 2019.

And We know the reason for that.

It wasn’t because you didn’t set enough goals.

It wasn’t because you didn’t have the motivation.

It wasn’t because you didn’t have enough skills or knowledge.

It all came down to one thing:     Thinking

This is not a soft skills, or personal development event!!!  

The fact is that if you scale your thinking and understanding, you will know exactly how to scale your revenue and success!

That’s why I’m inviting you to Easier Life Mastery Calgary, an opportunity to produce insane growth in your business, impact, and influence. 

And Im not going to claim to have all the answers!!

That's why I'm bringing together some of the world's top business experts and thought leaders.

The speakers are fit into 4 categories that I call:

The Authority Factor

By the end of the event you will know:

* Exactly how to position yourself to attract your ideal clients/customers

* How to leverage social media to create an endless supply of clients

* How to create automation in your business so you can run it from anywhere; and

* How  to scale a 8-figure business and help millions!

But most importantly, we are going to unlock YOUR Wealth Generation Strategy.

We are going to equip you with cutting edge skills to take your business to the next level!
Because the truth is… you haven’t been producing what you want to produce in your business.
And the key isn’t some stupid mindset seminar!
It’s evolving who you are and how you are in the world into the entrepreneur who OWNS that vision.
So join us, make this YOUR year, make our 3 days together the days that turn EVERYTHING around for you.
Easier Life Mastery is coming to Calgary May 1 to 3, and if you get your ticket today you’ll get 5 bonuses that include access to our Easier Life Academy Private Portal, a FREE ticket for a friend, and other perks worth over $5,995.

3 Powerful Days to

Create An Easier Life!

Unlike most events, Easier Life Mastery will arm you with tools to build new systems to generate massive leads & revenue for your business.
In only 3 days, you will literally transform the way you think about your business, money, relationships, customers, your industry and yourself…
And have absolute clarity and unshakeable confidence in everything you do in your business and life.
Don’t wait another year to step into your power and build the business and life of your dreams.

Your Stage Hosts:

Ryan Anderton & Cynthia Stone

Hear From Kevin Harrington, 
The Key-Note Speaker For 
Easier Life Mastery Calgary!

The World As We Know It Is Changing . . .  Governments and Jobs are Failing & The Course That Humanity Takes Is Up To YOU . . . The Entrepreneur.

Easier Life Mastery is NOT a “personal development event”...
Even though you will absolutely grow personally and professionally, and your revenue WILL grow...
This is a movement of awakened Entrepreneurs transformed by some of the world's top business minds...
High-level, heart-centered change-makers implementing the most advanced marketing and business growth strategies…
Combined with the most advanced transformational mindset technologies on the planet...
to become superhuman . . . to become an unstoppable phenomenon...

Everything changes NOW...

When you make the decision to join the Easier Life Mastery Experience, we’ll dismantle everything that hasn’t been working for you and empower you with the proven tools, strategies and methodologies that will take your business, and your life, to the next level.
This program gives you a running start to lean into 2020 and triple-down on your business coming into Easier Life Mastery.   So you can produce 10X more in 2020 than the last 3 years combined. 

This is About a  Income Evolution that Sets the Stage for Creating An Easier Life Today!

Easier Life Mastery brings together The World's Top Thought Leaders, Speakers & Trainers to help you accelerate your growth in ALL areas of business and start operating at a whole new level.
Because the ONE thing many entrepreneurs struggle with isn’t how to run a successful business…
It’s how to generate leads, how to automate the processes and enjoy life while scaling revenue!!
That’s why the Easier Life Mastery  focuses on Four critical areas that dictate your success: 

Easier Life Mastery Is The Leading Event For Mission Driven Entrepreneurs Who Are Crazy Passionate About Success

Here’s a preview of what’s in store…


Get absolute clarity about what you want to create, how you’re going to accomplish it, and the tools to actually do it.


Add multiple 6-figures to your business in 12 months and transform your annual income into monthly income

Develop an INVINCIBLE mindset and permanently eliminate the stress, struggle and overwhelm that's stealing your income, joy and dreams.


Learn the 4 keys to Business Mastery and building a highly profitable and scalable impact-oriented business.

Use the 4 Pillars Of The Authority Factor to Your Advantage at Easier Life Mastery

These are the 4 pillars of  success. Take advantage of over 200 years and 1 billion dollars of experience that the speakers possess.
And when you combine all of them… something magical happens. 

At Easier Life Mastery Calgary:

  • You get the IMMERSION of three days diving deep into the most cutting edge business and mindset technologies.
  • You get EDUCATION with the most powerful business strategies, leading edge mindset technologies, and world class speakers.
  • You get CONNECTION, networking with 1000+ like-minded entrepreneurs and inspired changemakers aligned with your mission.
  • ​You get MENTORSHIP through direct support from me an my trainers at the live event. 

PLUS you get a totally EPIC Bonus package...


A 2ND TICKET FOR FREE! ($197 value)

Because there’s nothing more powerful than a community of connected minds.

Surrounding yourself with people who support you and encourage you to be your BEST is a catalyst for growth. Get the momentum you need to create an incredible life and business that has more impact and brings you more fulfillment than you ever thought possible.
Just imagine what could be possible if you created your own team of unstoppable support to keep you striving to play your game at the highest level, and to consistently show up as your best self? That’s what happens when you bring your tribe to Easier Life Mastery.
Register now and you’ll get a COMPLIMENTARY TICKET to bring a friend, colleague, or partner to share the transformation and personal evolution alongside you!

Plus A Special BONUS for Host Hotel Guests Only..

Private Access
to Ken Dunn's
Easier Life Mastery Training Platform
 ($4,995 value)
Before the Event Even Begins!

If you’re TIRED of struggling to get your business to the next level, if you just can’t nail down your messaging, if you feel like you’ve been hitting a wall . . . or if you’ve been stuck on a plateau and want to accelerate to the next level of income, impact and success . . . this is for you.
The Minute after you secure your tickets, you will be transported right into our private training community.
This is some of the MOST ADVANCED business training and methodologies Ken teaches and the same systems that he has used to build an 8-figure business…
Now Ken is  revealing them all to you in this powerful private community even before Easier Life Master even begins!
You’ll learn the same cutting-edge business strategies, structure and principles that have produced profound results for hundreds of business owners. We’ll be covering:

  • How to Build a massive audience of your ideal clients
  • ​How to Get those products to start buying from you even before they trust you
  • ​How to Develop a deep trust with millions of people through building "Your Ultimate Audience
  • ​How To Enroll your prospects
  • ​Advance Social Media Paid Advertising Training
  • ​​​Filling Live Events and Masterminds 
  • ​Creating a Predictable Revenue Business
  • ​Growing Your Business Online
  • ​Scaling to 7-Figures
  • ​Marketing Automation, Webinars and Funnels that Took Us from $0 - $10M
  • ​...and More!

You get access to ALL of these trainings for FREE when you get your ticket to Easier Life Mastery now!

Here’s What People Said About Easier Life Mastery 2019

ONLY 200 VIP ACCESS Tickets Left




THURSDAY, April 30th, 2020

4PM - 5:30PM: VIP Registration Opens
5:30 - 7:30PM BONUS: VIP Meet & Greet


Day 1

Developing An Army Of Loyal Followers

FRIDAY, May 1st, 2020

7AM - 10AM: Registration
9AM - 10PM: General Session

Master key techniques for position your business & persona in a prominent position online and offline.
You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies that:

  • Move you closer to the needs of your ideal clients/customers
  • ​deeply understand the proper value ladder for your business
  • ​​How to move your business out of the noise so that ideal clients/customers will clearly see that you are the right choice.

Day 2



7AM - 9AM: Registration
9AM - 10PM: General Session

Master key strategies for building a massive following, online and offline, of loyal clients/customers
You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies that:

  • Rapidly scale your prominence on major social platforms
  • ​how to automate all social media needs so you don't have to be distracted by it.
  • ​​How Top Thought Leaders earn 7 figures from their online following

Day 3


SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, 2020

7AM - 9AM: Registration
9AM - 1PM: General Session

Master several strategies for revenue growth online and offline
You’ll walk away from today with proven tools and strategies that:

  • Long form sales pages, websites and landing pages
  • ​Selling Products and Services from Websites.
  • ​​Filling the rooms at your own live events
  • ​Creating 7 Figure income in the coaching space
  • ​Positioning your company as the true market leader
  • ​Eliminating Trauma from your life.


Get Your Tickets Now + 2 Extra Bonuses!

About Ken Dunn

Ken Dunn is the founder of The Authority Factory & Easier Life Academy, a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping small business owners to connect with their best prospects, nurture relationships and convert sales. From early days in major crime police investigations & police interrogation Ken has long been fascinated by the art of communication.
He is a Wall Street Journal Bestselling author, a professional speaker and digital marketing expert.
Ken has successfully grown, and exited, from businesses in the mortgage industry, property management, direct sales and publishing industries.
Today, Ken finds himself traveling the globe helping entrepreneurs to discover the future of affiliate marketing.
Ken is from Toronto, Canada where he lives with his wife/best-friend of 22 years, Julie and their kids Laura and Matthew.

Ken's program, The Authority Factor, has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to scale their businesses rapidly by combining proven off-line strategies with cutting edge online hacks.

Easier Life Mastery was created when Ken and two of his closest friends (Ryan & Cynthia) started brainstorming about ways that they could help Ken's Authority Factor clients to get even more help with their businesses.

By leveraging relationships that Ken, Ryan & Cynthia have built over the past 20 years, they realized that they could bring together the world's top thought leaders to these events.

You will be amazed how the speakers content all falls into the 4 Pillars of the Authority Factor, Build Yourself, Build Your Following, Build Your Lists & Build Your Income!

And when you register now, you’ll get all the bonuses listed above, including…


Create your own team of unstoppable support, creativity and inspiration to fuel your success by surrounding yourself with people who support you and encourage you to be your BEST. 

Claim your COMPLIMENTARY TICKET (General Admission) to bring a friend, colleague, or partner to share this personal evolution alongside you!

Be a change agent in the world by giving the gift of transformation. 

You’ll get the momentum you need to create an incredible life and business that has more impact and brings you more fulfillment than you ever thought possible in 2020, and beyond. 

There’s nothing more powerful than a community of connected minds...

Which is why we are taking the extra step to make it possible.



Ken's Powerful Easier Life Team of Coaches are happy to answer any questions you have about the event or registration.

Our goal is to support you in your personal and professional evolution by making Easier Life Mastery an event you will never forget.

Call us at (305) 203-4331 or email us at  

For General Inquiries:
For Help with Registration:
For Media Inquiries:
For Speaker Inquiries:

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